Questions in English

Asking questions in English correctly could be very difficult sometimes because there are a lot of rules to memorize. This activity will help you to do it correctly.

First of all, let's resume what you need to know:

  • If you have the verb to be or to have, you don´t need an auxiliar, but you must invert the order of subject-verb.

For example: Are you here? Has he got a dog?

  • Verb to do is necessary to make questions with the rest of the verbs. Remeber that you have to use the form does with the third person of singular.

For example: Do you like fast food? Does she study English?

  • When you are speaking in past or future you must use the auxiliars did or will:

For example: Did they wacth the film yesterday? Will we go to the beach next summer?

Ok, now try to do the next activity:

Change next sentences into questions


  1. Dear Colleague! I like the look of your blog, the resources shared are relevant and varied,I specially liked the books you suggest as reading material for children, some of them are very good and interesting for some ages in primary school,then you include a bit of grammar and a nice webquest,I think this is a very complete blog .

    1. Thank you Sonia, it is gratifying to know that it could be useful for teaching. Thaks for your comment!

  2. I think the presentation of this blog is really great. I like colors, the form of organization, I like originality and above all it makes the learning of English grammar less boring. Treating the English grammar theme for children is really complicated without falling into the assimilation of concepts exclusively using the memory and this form of presentation makes it more simple and attractive. I think it's a great blog. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you! I agree with you, fun is important while you are learning a language. Thanks for you comment and opinion!


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